Thursday, January 16, 2020

Poetry and Addictions

Could you say I’m addicted to poetry?  Yes!  Recently, I told myself I needed to limit how many poetry books I buy or acquire because I have so many unread on my poetry bookshelf right now.  (Yes, I have a poetry bookshelf - don’t you?!?)

As I’ve taken time to begin sorting through things at home and at work, I’ve been looking at what I need to keep and what I don’t.  Same for the rest of the things in life:  such as eating and online!

I have been trying to give up certain foods for some time - you know the ones that taste good but that are so bad for you.  I have had a bit of luck with it, but it is hard.

The hardest thing for me to give up so far is not poetry, but soft drinks!  Yes, they are addictive - or really the sugar is.  I never drank the diet ones.

I have spent the last week giving up this addiction of mine.  I’ll see if it sticks!

Examine what works.  Examine what doesn’t.

Sometimes, it’s time to realize, like I did with soda, you don’t need it to live.  Poetry, however, I do need to live ....I just have to space out my purchases more so I have time to actually read the poetry I buy!

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