Saturday, July 30, 2022

Graffiti Poems

Have you ever written a graffiti poem?  If not, have you seen graffiti somewhere?  

I have seen graffiti many places but generally not in the area where I live.  The town is small and there are simply not too many places for it.  

Yesterday, I saw lots of it in underground street tunnels.  These tunnels run underneath a busy road at a big university and they’re used to keep people from crossing the street in all the traffic.  There’s another tunnel decorated in graffiti near the university - this one runs under the highway and is part of the local Greenway aka walking paths.  

It’s interesting to see what people decide to paint or spray paint.  Words, drawings, some things quite unmentionable, quotes, movie lines, etc.  

I find graffiti interesting.  No, I don’t agree with defacing public property but it is what it is.  

I have written poems about graffiti I’ve seen - I wrote a couple about the walkway to the Morris Island Lighthouse off of Folly Beach (in Charleston SC) in my book “Chucktown” with poems all about that particular area.  You can’t access the lighthouse except by water, but there is a road that leads to the beach across from it.  The entire thing is covered in graffiti.  

If you’re a writer mostly likely you like to read and you have a love of words like me.  There are some interesting “words” used in graffiti.  You can easily write a poem from something you see or even write a found poem from it.  

Writing is simply what you make it.  Writing a poem can take you to all kinds of different places.  How will you write a poem today?

This is some of the graffiti in one of the pedestrian tunnels.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Authors Signing Books

Lately I’ve noticed that some of the authors I follow on social media, are signing their books if they come across them in stores.  One of my favorite bands lead singer did that too for their new music release.  What a neat idea!  I know I enjoy coming across signed books in my favorite bookstores - and when I say coming across I mean finding them in amongst other books for sale and not as a bookstore promotion.  I usually find these at used bookstores.  I’ve noticed that bookstores selling new books have been offering signed books for sale.  There’s even one that let’s you subscribe for a book a month including some signed books.  Plus there are constant signed book giveaways online to promote them and the authors.

My local bookstore, Tybrisa books, offers local author books as well as a huge selection of used books and other media.  I dropped by there this week to do some book shopping.  And because they kindly offer my books for sale (The Glass River, The Mailbox of the Kindred Spirit, Poetry in LA, Swim, A Sunless Sea, The Poet Next Door, The Blue Eyed Side, and more), I (yes) signed my books!   

I don’t know what it is about a signed book vs an unsigned one that makes it more attractive (to me).  Maybe it’s because I know the author has actually spent time with the book, at lease a few moments, signing it and that makes it special.  

A book is a work of art!  Works of art are usually signed, so why not books?!?

Monday, July 4, 2022

Back to the 4th!


It’s so good to be back to the 4th of July with a real fireworks display!  Last year there were fireworks but nothing like this year’s which seemed to be back to like it was in years past.  There’s something about watching fireworks with other people nearby, oohing over the magnificent display.  

Fireworks are a work of art, in my opinion!  Each burst of light, each noise tells a story and is connected.  The night sky is part of the act, too.  There are the different colors, how the firework displays, and if it makes any sounds as some do and some don’t.

It was like watching a brilliant light show you sit underneath.  It’s like an immersive art experience or theme ride except this is more real because there’s no video displays and no music no special effects except for the fireworks themselves.

How real is your art and creative world?  How do you like to experience art?


Artemis at Sunset

As this year begins to come to a close, I thought about one of my favorite things to do: watching sunsets.  While I am often up early enough...