Monday, March 25, 2019

Publishing Tips

Are you looking to get published?  Have you been published?  How do I get published?

I get asked those questions many times.  There are several ways to go about getting published.  One of the quickest is to write a Letter to the Editor of you favorite publication whether it be a newspaper, magazine, or online.  Another is to volunteer to write something for a local newsletter.  Yet another is to write for the place where you work if they use writing materials.

If you have a poem or short story or something else you want published, you should search for markets using resources in your local library or look online. Be sure to read the full guidelines and check out the publication before you submit.  You do this so you make sure what you are submitting is a good fit. 

To get books or articles published, you would really do the same thing.  You might even want to submit to literary agencies to see about getting an agent.

It takes a lot of hours to search and find places to send your work.  The reward, though, will be worth it when that first publication credit comes in (and it will!) 

Good Luck!

Artemis at Sunset

As this year begins to come to a close, I thought about one of my favorite things to do: watching sunsets.  While I am often up early enough...