Do you live and breathe poetry? You at least read it, don’t you? How do you live your life as a Poet?
There are so many things that can influence how you write. Plus, there’s another big I word when it comes to writing: Inspiration. What motivates you to write your poems?
For me, I like to take walks in the woods aka forest bathing. To me, though, it’s really a walk in the woods. And I like to read - I read poetry almost every day. I also enjoy talking about poetry with other poets via poetry events, open mics, or when I teach poetry classes. I read many other things as well: books, newspapers, ebooks, magazines, billboards, etc.
For inspiration, though, it’s something entirely different. Sometimes, I cannot work on my writing and poetry during my normal hours I do so for whatever reason. It’s then that I look for inspiration at maybe a sporting event, a movie, an art gallery opening, a doctor’s appointment, sitting in the car and waiting, etc.
Ah, yes! Have you figured it out yet?
The secret is to my life as a poet, at least for me, is observation! I am constantly watching, absorbing, experiencing everything. To me, it’s a key to my writing and realness I wish to convey.
For you, though, it may be something entirely different. So if you’re a poet, like me, what’s your secret writing life like?
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