Wednesday, December 4, 2019

It’s all in how you Read or the empowerment of the microphone!

Talking about how to read, not reading a book to yourself but rather reading out loud is a curious thing.  How does one learn how to carry the voice, to resonate, to read in a manner so that’s it is interesting to others?

Some people are naturally gifted and born talkers.  They are at ease speaking in front of any size group.

But some of us writers, me included, have to practice reading.  Even reading a poem or two at an open mic is scary for us (at least it is for me) and that’s usually only about 2-3 minutes at a time.

I like to go to poetry readings to observe how other poets read.  There’s one place I go where I see a rather big individual, (bulky and built from working out) get up and read with passion, a fire, and such enthusiasm.  Others read in meek mild voices.  Others talk in meek mild voices but when they read they are loud and boisterous.

There’s something empowering about their voices and the microphone.  There’s something empowering about reading your words in front of an audience.  There’s something empowering about being in front of people saying those very same words out loud.

You can record yourself when you practice or get practice listeners to help you out.  You can read in front of a mirror.  You can imagine yourself reading in your head.  There are many ways to practice!

Finding the comfort of reading in front of others, though, probably takes getting in on an open mic whatever chance you get.   It’s good to read whenever you can so you don’t get out of practice.

You will know it when you find your comfort level.  You will own that mic when you find your true voice!

Artemis at Sunset

As this year begins to come to a close, I thought about one of my favorite things to do: watching sunsets.  While I am often up early enough...