Sunday, April 5, 2020

Writing from a Distance

It’s true writers are used to writing from a distance.  Generally, writing is a solitary sport.  With the news at hand, the virus keeping most all of us at home, it seems writers (and other artists) are more connected than ever with each other and their audiences.

To stay connected, writers and artists are offering live videos or videos of them reading poems or playing music.  There are live talks about life in general which lets you see the writer or artist in their own home in person.  One artist even gave out her cell number to text her fans directly.  Plus,  online readings have become a thing.

I know it’s going to give me an opportunity to attend more poetry readings than ever anywhere in the country because I can now do it via a virtual meeting aka no driving, no flying, no long train rides.  Because people are not traveling except when essential, they are inevitably sending more messages, emails and texts.

It’s a way to be together and stay in touch, albeit online.  As an independent author, I’ve been doing a few things to reach out to my readers as well.

I’ve offered a few of my e-books for free.  Some, I’ve offered at a discount.  For real books, I’m offering a free beanie hat with a book bundle.  Or, a free book mark with a signed copy of my book, if someone orders from me direct.

It seems I’ve found a way to get closer to my readers even from afar.  Usually, I connect with them at live readings but now I’m finding different ways to share my works.

Of course, I’m reading a lot more myself, too.  I’m consuming literature via digital articles and e-books, books and magazines and the occasional newspaper,  Plus, I watch YT to listen to some of my favorite authors and poets read their works.

It’s an interesting way to consume the written word from elsewhere, and I feel more in touch with people today than I did weeks ago before the pandemic hit the world.  Writing is something that truly can reach folks most likely anywhere and everywhere.

I’m reviewing more books, too.  Sometimes, I only rate them on book apps I like.  Sometimes, I actually write a review.  I do write reviews of poetry books or chapbooks for my free monthly newsletter, “The Poetry Market Ezine.”  It’s an all digital publication and has been since I started it many years ago.

A local conference for writers and poets, is going all virtual.  Normally, I would’ve had to drive a couple of hours and spend all day there.  It’s exhilarating to spend all day writing or talking about writing at a conference, but the driving can make you tired before you get there not to mention you’re in a hotel or conference center all day without the comforts of home or comfortable clothing.

These days at home, I prefer to sit in my reading nook surrounded by a couple of small bookcases with my favorite books and a few mementoes on the shelves.  I have a comfortable chair and pillows, orange and purple decorative lights, and my dog sleeping beside me.  It’s the perfect place to write or make a post from far away.

Even though you’re far away, stay safe, stay healthy and keep reading!

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