Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Poetry in Pictures: poems inspiring pictures

This is not a post on creating Ekphrastic poetry.  I have read some of it. I generally don't write that kind of poetry myself.  It's not that I don't like art.  I do!  I love Modern Art, though.  Usually when I say that, people adjust their view and look at me sideways as if what's the matter with you?  What is the matter with me? 

I don't like everything to "fit" in a box, in a form, in whatever.  With poetry, there is formal poetry and then there's not.

I'm not talking the kind of poems where you take a book for instance and on every 5th page you pull the 11th line, and then pull the 2nd word and then put that all together in a poem.  I'm not sure I'd call that poetry, but a lot of people do.  My favorite kind of poetry that fits into that are the ones called bookshelf poems - you know where you check a stack of books and take words from the spines and create a poem.  I haven't tried it, but I think it's an interesting choice.

My choices when I take pictures could be seen as interesting (ah, different!) as well.  I'm not talking the family vacation pics or the ones where you pose for endless selfies with your friends (Hi, friends!).  I'm talking what you see, your perspective, your eye.

Images as poetry?  Try putting them all together into a collage.  Does each image speak to you?  Can you put one word with each picture?

I find that if I use an image with a poem, the picture doesn't inspire the poem.  For me it's the other way around:  the poem I want to write inspires the pictures.

My favorite kind of pictures to take?  Water pictures!  I love the water.  I've yet to write a water poem, though, except I do tend to write a bit about swimming (love to swim - I put it up there with breathing!)

Take pictures!  Write poems!  And by all means, be inspired!

One of my many water pictures: 

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