Saturday, November 27, 2021

When is a Poet not a Poet?

I didn’t start out as a Poet.  I started out writing stories.  Later on, I wrote plays, articles, and worked in business writing.  For the past several years, I spent the majority of my writing time on writing poems.  Lately, though, I have gone back to writing more fiction than poetry.

I have several ideas churning around and they take shape as a story more often than a poem.  It’s fun for me to write fiction as there are several ways to write it.  I can even include poetry here and there in my stories as well.  

Many years ago when I was a kid, I was browsing the local bookstore at the time.  Sadly, it closed but we do have a new one back in town now.  Way back then, I came across a book on writing that talked about knowing what form to put your idea in:  song, poem, story, article, script, play, and so on.  That always stuck with me.  

Sometimes, if you’re watching a movie or TV show or reading a book, do you ever think it’s too long, there are too many characters, the setting seems off and so on?  It’s probably because the form doesn’t fit the actual writing idea.

I am a poet and writer.  How about you?

Sunday, November 21, 2021


 Have you ever gotten stuck with your writing?  I won’t use those two dreaded words that start with W and B, as I’m not referring to that.  I’m meaning have you ever wanted to write, had things to write, but just wanted to write differently or take a break on purpose or feel like you aren’t writing what and how you want or whatever else might be affecting your writing.

I tend to write in the same vein for a long time.  I started out writing a lot of environmental and social poems.  Then, I turned to place poetry.  I wrote several chapbooks.  I wrote several short stories and put together a short story collection.  Lately, I am writing more fiction than poems.  I use a variety of styles and genres each time.  I’m usually writing about what interests or inspires me.  I don’t want to feel like I have to write the same way with the same stuff all the time.

This morning, I woke up early really early.  I woke up in time to see the sunrise.  I’m a sunset lover and enjoy watching those nearly every evening, but the sunrise is also spectacular.  Because I was up so early, I thought why not go ahead and start the day off writing.  Usually, I write in the late afternoon or evenings.  

It’s good, though, to change your writing routine.  It’s good to change how you look at things.  Like with painting, you have a perspective when you write.  How will you write different? 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Wandering Poet

If you’re a poet, do you look at things differently?  Or do you tend to stay in one place?  Or do you sometimes wonder or wander?

I have always enjoyed traveling whether it’s a day trip or a few days, a long weekend, etc.  But, like most everyone else traveling went by the wayside last year.  This means staying closer to home.  You can still wander, though, if you like. (And, of course wonder, too.)

I’m not a hiker.  I do like walking in the woods, or walking in general but the steep treacherous paths especially in the mountains are not for me.  Yesterday, I was attending an outdoor gathering by a river.  As the sun went down, it started to reflect on the water.  

I decided to take a short walk further into the woods to see what I could see.  I wasn’t going to get in or go through the water — too cold!  

The ground was damp and mushy even with my boots on (these are more like winter or hiking boots and not fashion boots).  The ground dipped in places and there were several steep drop offs.  I made my way slowly and carefully.  

Finally I came to a sort of clearing and I could see the sunset in an orange and red colorful glory.  It made the water seem as if it was on fire almost it was so bright.  

I was glad I took the chance and wandered off.  I was glad to see such a unusual but beautiful sight.

It’s always good to do something different, and the same goes for writing poetry.  Imagine all the poems about rivers, sunsets and walking in the woods.  Then think of how they could be different!

Where will you wander to next?

Artemis at Sunset

As this year begins to come to a close, I thought about one of my favorite things to do: watching sunsets.  While I am often up early enough...