Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Write Read Space

Do you write in one space?  Do you read in another?

I have an office space where I do most of my writing work.  I also have a couple of places where I like to write and post to my blogs.  I could be anywhere, though, when I get an idea.  My Hey Siri Take a Memo memos sometimes turn out to be quite humorous.  Usually I can figure out what I meant.  When I sit down in my writing space, I will translate those memos into notes.

I use a different space for my reading nook.  I have my favorite chair.  A nice lamp.  A pillow.  That’s all I really need for reading.

I do tend to read anywhere I have time, but when I have more than an hour (usually on the weekends) I will take a stack of books to this spot and spend some time with each one of them.  Currently, I’m reading a new age book, a chick lit book, a couple of self-help non-fiction books, and an entertaining book.  Plus, I’m reading some poetry books, too.  

I love to look at pictures of people who have created their perfect writing area or reading area.  My reading area is far neater than my writing area.  I have many things around my writing space.  I keep all my supplies nearby that I might need for mailing a sold book, highlighting a market listing where I want to submit, etc.  I have a box of swag, marketing materials, certain pens I like to use, notepads, etc.  I don’t think I could ever be content with a “clean desk” writing space and just have a notepad and pencils or a laptop on top.  

It’s the same with my writing nook.  Besides, what I listed above that’s in it, I also have many books in it, too.  

I am working on pairing stuff down and have done that quite a bit, so I wouldn’t say I have too much stuff.  I will admit, I do have too many books in my piles to read even with my being more selective about what I keep on hand.  

My writing space and my reading nook will never make it on anyone’s social media pin up boards, lol.  And that’s okay.  Both are unique to me.

I think the most important thing is to make the space your own.  Make sure it is your space with what you need to be productive or to enjoy your time and then the rest will fall into place!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

How Many Ways Can Art Help You be a Writer?

I personally believe that all the avenues of the Arts go hand in hand.  My master’s degree is in Theatre and Communications, I worked in Theatre, Arts Admin, etc.  I enjoy drawing or taking pictures and using the for my book covers or writing ekphrastic poems about them.  Sometimes, I like to simply post my pictures.  I like seeing the photos my friends take, especially when they are on local magazine covers - that’s very cool!

Does each facet of the Arts inspire the other?  I believe so.  I hone my observation skills when I’m looking at things, places, taking pictures, etc which often gives me ideas for my stories or poems.

Recently I’ve had a professional musician to record my first audiobook.  It’s called “The Mailbox of the Kindred Spirit.”  He did a great job bringing my characters to life.  He really breathed a life into them I could’ve never imagined had I’d tried to record the audiobook myself.  Music is ever present in my life, and it’s been encouraged forever.  Before I became a writer, I wanted to be a singer so I majored in Voice for a while and wrote hundreds of songs!  Of course, I do believe that music works its magic with words, too.

Just this afternoon I practiced guitar and ukulele.  When I play music, my thoughts go to other places just like when I read magazines, papers or books!

And don’t forget about dancing!  Ah, the Arts!  Such inspiration, all the way around!

Artemis at Sunset

As this year begins to come to a close, I thought about one of my favorite things to do: watching sunsets.  While I am often up early enough...